Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24
As my wife and I shared a rare moment alone together, waiting for my son’s football practice to end, we found ourselves pondering a choice we would need to make as parents. Specifically, we discussed what we would tell our 11-year-old daughter, who had to decide between playing the flute and taking an elective at school. This simple moment of contemplation led us to reflect on the timeless wisdom of Colossians 3:23-24 and its relevance, not only to our daughter’s decision, but also to the choices we make as we grow older in our journey of serving the Lord.
This passage in Colossians encourages us to help our daughter make her decision with a sense of purpose and commitment. Just as the Apostle Paul urges believers to work with all their hearts as if working for the Lord, we need to guide her to follow her passion and interests. Whether it’s pursuing music through the flute or engaging in an elective, in the end, we know that each choice can be an avenue to serve the Lord and others wholeheartedly.
Have you found yourself faced with choices related to your own pursuits? In our work at Worship Anew, our ministry team is first and foremost Christ-centered in all that we do. I feel extremely blessed to serve alongside such faithful individuals, who are leading us to help others to live an abundant life in Christ. Paul’s words guide us to approach vocation or volunteer opportunities with dedication and diligence knowing that it is for the Lord.
Certain tasks might seem like “basket weaving” — a phrase often used humorously to describe seemingly easy or frivolous pursuits. Even so, we know that each task has its value and can contribute to the betterment of God’s kingdom. Thus, we are encouraged to embrace the joy and purpose in every endeavor, knowing that our commitment and service can bring glory to God no matter what phase of life we find ourselves.
As Labor Day arrives, it’s worth pausing to reflect on the work that we do. It is my prayer that Colossians 3:23-24 serves as a guiding light in your life. Today you have the choice to continue serving the Lord, finding purpose and fulfillment in your work and volunteer activities.
By anchoring our choices in faith and viewing each opportunity as a chance to serve the Lord, we bring honor to our God.
Matthew Leighty,
Executive Director