By Rich Bimler
Call or visit a grandchild and ask to play a game—grandchild’s choice (hockey off limits!)
Take the youngers for a special treat of ice cream at their special place.
Share a “joke of the week” with some children. Then ask if they have one to share also.
Make a special card for children for their birthdays and other special events, like cleaning their room, getting an “A” in Math, and being nice to their brother.
Tell them stories of your past ... how far you walked to school, what was your favorite food.
Enjoy a New Year celebration with family and friends! Slip them a few dollars, just for fun, and talk about your grandchildren with other grandparents. (However, do not play the game, “My grandchild is nicer than your grandchild!)
Invite the grandchildren and other family members to join you in writing a special New Year letter to family and friends. Have fun remembering the good things and even the not-so-good events that happened this past year. Review the year, the good and the not-so-good, with your grandkids, in person, by phone, or through computer.
If you have no grandchildren, choose one or more youngsters at church or in your neighborhood to help you remember the happenings of the past year through their experiences. Then work at keeping connected with them through the new year, through visits, special gifts, and even ask them for help with things you need done in your own home and yard throughout the year.
Healthy Spiritual Resolutions for the coming year
Try these on for size in the coming year and see if they “fit.” If not, make some better ones for you to follow, and share them with other friends:
- I will pray at least 3 times a day, and more often, as needed!
- I will read my Bible regularly and attempt to ask myself “What does this mean to me?,” as well as talk with others about it.
- I will ask my pastor and others the meaning of the lessons assigned for each Sunday, especially if I have trouble understanding how it applies to me.