In the Lord’s Prayer, why do we pray, “Lead us not into temptation?” when, in scripture, we’re told that we are not tempted by God?
We definitely hold onto the truth of scripture in James 1:13-14 that “God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one.” In this petition, we pray out loud for what God has promised us. Psalm 121:7 says that “The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life.” We also know that we cannot avoid temptation while on this earth. We ask God to strengthen us to resist temptations that come from the devil, this world, and even from our own sinful selves.
Where do the pastors on your program come from? Are they on staff at Worship Anew?
We have six incredible pastors from in and around Fort Wayne, Ind.: Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Rev. Thomas A. Eggold, Rev. Shayne M. Jonker, Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Rev. William E. Mueller, and Rev. Paul E. Shoemaker. They all serve as pastors in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) churches, and Rev. Maier also serves on the faculty at the Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne.
How is Worship Anew funded?
Our funding comes from donations from our wonderful supporters as well as grants that support projects or expansions of our ministry. We are so thankful for gifts from people like you who want to share the Gospel with others around the world. If you would like to learn more about supporting our ministry, please visit WorshipAnew.org. Or, you can support our ministry today by returning your gift in the included envelope between the pages of your Broadcaster. Thank you!
What are the beliefs of Worship Anew? What type of Christian organization are you?
Worship Anew is a Christian non-profit organization. We are a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). Though our program and materials are for everyone (everyone needs Jesus!), everything we present is through the lens of LCMS theology. You can learn more about the LCMS and Lutheran theology at lcms.org/about/beliefs.
I have a friend who just lost her husband. I don’t know how to be there for her. What should I do or say? I don’t want to say anything that will make things worse.
There is power in presence. If you are able to physically be in the same room as your friend, bring over a favorite treat and simply sit with her. If she’d like to talk, then you’ll be there to listen. You can offer to pray with her, or you can tell her that you love her and that you’ll continue to be available to talk. The wonderful thing about a faith community is that you don’t have to be all things to your friend. You can be her friend, a person who cares, a person who is praying for her and her healing. If you can’t be near her, offer video chat or calls. Send a letter to let her know you’re praying for her and that she can call you whenever she needs. If you want to share encouragement but don’t know where to start, send a care package from Worship Anew. Learn more at WorshipAnew.org.
How do I submit a question that I have about the spiritual, mental, physical well-being of aging adults?
You can submit questions to us by email at editor@worshipanew.org. We will take all questions, and search for answers to help you in your journey.
A note from the Editor ... In this new section of our magazine, we would like to answer any and all questions that you have about aging well. Please send your questions to editor@worshipanew.org. Please know that we will try to answer as many questions as we can. Your question may also be similar to someone else's so we may combine them. As this is our first issue, we wanted to answer some frequently asked questions that we hear from aging adults and those that care for and minister to them. Thank you and enjoy!