How do you pick what Bible readings to use for each Worship Anew program?
Our Worship Anew programs contain readings from a three-year lectionary. The church lectionary is a collection of readings that are assigned for each Sunday of the church year. The church has been using some version of a lectionary since the fourth century. Whether using a one-year or three-year lectionary, churches get to go on a journey of God’s story of salvation in Jesus Christ each church year. To learn more about the lectionary we use and upcoming readings, go to lcms.org/worship/lectionary-series.
Do your Worship Anew programs have closed captions?
Yes! Our production team works hard to produce closed captioning for all of our videos whether shown on broadcast television or online. Whether you have closed captions turned on or off, words are on the screen for each part of the service that you would speak out loud: the Lord’s Prayer, creed (statement of what we believe as Christians), and our hymns. If you would like to watch our program online with captions, please visit our website at WorshipAnew.org. If you would like to watch archived programs with closed captioning, please visit our Vimeo channel at vimeo.com/worshipanew.