Community existed before creation. June 7 is Trinity Sunday. We recognize every Sunday that we have an incredible God. On Trinity Sunday, we focus on how we have one God, who is also three persons. From the beginning, before the creation of the earth, God was in community.
Rev. Christopher Hall says it this way, “God creates a community because He is a community. He creates us with others because He is with others. He is not alone. He is One but also Three: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Hall, 2011)
We know that the community our Triune God possesses will never be upended. Our communities can feel much more fragile. With all the changes that have happened recently in our world, what is the state of your community?
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is an organization that focuses on using a community to help those who live with mental illness. They focus on three essential elements we need as human beings to stay mentally healthy: belonging, support, and purpose.
If you belong to any groups that have recently stopped meeting or have had interruptions, your sense of belonging may have been disrupted. It is a blessing when we are able to meet together. Let us thank God for that gift. Let us also dive deeper into the reason we are connected - we are connected in and through Christ.
God doesn’t define you by what you can’t do. Your identity is in what God has done for you through His Son, Jesus Christ. Now, if we are not defined by what we can’t do, but by who we are, what can we do?
Pray. Pray for those who are hurting. Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. Care for others. Make a list of any small way that you can serve your neighbor. Write a note, make a phone call, send a meal.
You may be in a position to serve others, or you may be experiencing a burden. If you or someone you know is dealing with a decline in mental health, reach out to your primary doctor and ask about mental health resources in your community. Also, consider one of the resources below.
May you be comforted by the community you have in our amazing, Triune God. His community will never fail.
National Alliance of Mental Illness
NAMI.org | 1-800-950-6264
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA.gov | 1-800-950-6264
Suicide Prevention Hotline
Text or dial 988
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
Essential Community Services
Dial 211 to find help in your community