By Ashley Wiehe
Director of Communications
Servant hearts and a willingness to come in week in and week out is what defines the volunteers at Worship Anew.
Through the work in production, the care ministry, mailings, assembling packages, and delivering materials, the volunteers at Worship Anew are willing to provide a helping hand wherever needed.
Each year, Worship Anew recognizes one volunteer for their dedication to the work of the ministry with The Reverend Oswald Bertram Award. This year, the recipient of that award is Sue Cook.
“Sue has been a wonderful blessing to this ministry for many, many years,” said Matthew Leighty, Worship Anew’s executive director. “She comes in faithfully on a regular basis, whether it’s folding letters to doing many other office responsibilities, that come alongside to make the lives of our ministry team so much easier.”
Cook began volunteering with the ministry in 2008 by helping with mailings, sending out Christmas cards, putting order slips in Hope-Full Living devotionals, and any other help that the staff needed.
“Thursday is my day for Worship Anew,” Cook said. “I look forward to it. I try not to schedule any doctor appointments or anything.”
The Bertram Award was started in 2007 as a way to honor the Rev. Oswald Bertram who conceived of the idea of Worship for Shut-ins (the name prior to Worship Anew) in 1965. He began the broadcast in Toledo, Ohio, and continued it until his death in 1979.
“We still carry on his legacy through the important work that we do here at Worship Anew today,” Leighty said. “We use this award as a way to remember him and also to bring honor to so many people who have done such great work to carry out the service of this ministry.”
Cook is the 30th recipient of the award since its inception, and she follows a great number of volunteers who have faithfully served Worship Anew.
“We would not be able to do the work we do today if not for the wonderful volunteers that we have here at Worship Anew,” Leighty said.
Cook was recognized with the award during a special Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on June 4.
“I love the ministry. I am glad to be part of it,” Cook said. “I listen to it every Sunday morning and then go to my own church. … I look forward to coming here because of the staff and what we do.”
Learn more about Sue Cook’s dedication to Worship Anew by watching this video.