By the Rev. Richard Koehneke
The people who asked Jesus the question “Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” were trying to trap Jesus in His words, so that if He said “yes” he would alienate Himself from His Jewish followers (who despised the taxes), or that by saying “no” He would expose himself to a Roman charge of rebellion and treason.
Jesus cut their strategy to shreds by asking to see a coin used for paying the tax. Jesus looked at the coin and said, “Whose image and inscription are on this coin?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Jesus responded, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God” (ref. Matthew 22:17-21). By implication, Jesus was saying that the image and inscription of Caesar denote ownership by Caesar. Caesar owns this coin, so give it to him. And give to God what belongs to God.
Image and inscription denote ownership. What belongs to God? Who or what bears the image of God? The answer is in the Book of Genesis (1:27 ESV): “God created man in his own image.” The point Jesus is making is that YOU BELONG TO GOD. Not only was God’s image stamped on you at conception; His name was inscribed upon you when you were baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Give Caesar his coin to pay the tax. Give yourself to God.
We need to remember who we are and to whom we belong. We are citizens of the United States of America, and we are so thankful that we are. Our American citizenship is our secondary and temporary citizenship. Our primary and permanent citizenship is in heaven. As citizens of heaven, our heavenly passport has been stamped with the sign of the cross and sealed with the blood of Christ.
“Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” As American citizens we have not only the right to participate in the electoral process; we have the responsibility to participate in the electoral process. We are responsible for selecting our leaders by electing them with our vote. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Vote!
“Give to God what belongs to God.” Before you go into the voting booth, go into your prayer closet. Remember that you belong to God. As His personal creation, His image is stamped on you. In your baptism, His name was inscribed upon you. Thank the Lord that you belong to Him. Rededicate yourself to Him. Then ask God to guide your choice. Ask Him to give us the governmental leaders who are His will for this land at this time. Put your vote and this election into the hands of God — after you have placed yourself at His service, without condition or reservation. “Give to God what belongs to God” — namely, yourself.
When the votes are in, and you see how God has chosen to answer your prayer, keep praying for those who serve as our leaders. They face awesome responsibilities, and they need our prayers. God commands us: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV).
If your candidate does not win the election, get over losing! God heard your prayer, and His answer was “No.” He had someone else in mind. Keep praying for our leaders, as God commands us to do.
If your candidate wins, get over winning! God’s Word says: “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save” (Psalm 146:3 NIV). “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8 NIV). Whoever wins will need God’s wisdom and our prayers. Keep praying for our leaders, as God commands us to do.
Right now, people are very passionate about certain personalities and about the future of our nation. As American citizens, that kind of passion can be a very good thing — as long as it is kept in perspective.
Jesus gives us that perspective when he says, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” God is calling his people to be passionate above all about His Son Jesus Christ and about the future of people who are living in spiritual darkness — who tragically are dying in spiritual darkness. We have heard it said, “The future of our nation is at stake.” Maybe so, maybe not. We know this: Eternity is at stake for those who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. His name is the only name that saves. So, when this election is over, let’s keep campaigning for Jesus Christ.
Political candidates talk a lot about change. Jesus Christ offers the greatest change of all: from guilt to forgiveness, from fear to love, from greed to gratitude, from despair to hope, from worry to confidence, from death to life, from hell to heaven. Jesus Christ is the one who lived a sinless life and then died to pay for your sins. He rose from the dead to open heaven to you. He is preparing a place for you in glory. He will return in glory on the last day, when every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. “Give to God what belongs to God.”
Let’s keep campaigning for Jesus Christ!