Matthew F. Leighty
Executive Director
As I step into the New Year, I can't help but think about resolutions, those well-intentioned goals I've set to better my life over the years. As I’ve grown older, one goal consistently stands out: the desire to grow spiritually.
Let's be honest—I've been down the road of setting resolutions, only to watch them fade away after a brief burst of enthusiasm. The silver lining in challenging times, like the recent pandemic, is the chance to reassess what truly matters. Personally, during those tough days, I found myself turning more to God’s Word, singing hymns, and spending time in prayer. While I wouldn't wish for a repeat of those circumstances, it underscored the importance of focusing on spiritual nourishment.
In “Aging Well,” Worship Anew’s joint research with Barna, we discovered that 87 percent of older adults share the aspiration to witness continual progress in their spiritual lives. This deep-seated desire resonates beautifully with the Psalmist’s declaration: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). When life gets tough, the Bible becomes my reliable guide, providing illumination for my path and strengthening my faith.
Here’s the thing about setting healthy goals for spiritual growth—it’s an ongoing process. Like many, I’ve experienced the inconsistency and lack of dedication that plagues resolutions. But just as physical exercise demands persistence, nurturing one’s faith requires a similar commitment. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
So, how do we practically pursue this journey of spiritual resilience?
Incorporating scripture into your daily routine is a personal commitment that allows the Holy Spirit to work in your heart. Whether it’s digesting the pages of this magazine or engaging with our Hope-Full Living devotions, these resources offer a much-needed boost in our daily walk with the Lord.
Steadfast in Prayer:
Cultivating a habit of prayer is transformative. Following the wisdom of the Apostle Paul, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6). Regular prayer deepens our connection with our loving Lord and Savior.
Church Connection:
Actively engaging with your local church is vital. Attending services and participating in Bible studies, as one is able, strengthens our walk with the Lord. Ecclesiastes 4:12 reminds us that “A rope made of three strands is not quickly broken.” Staying connected to your pastor and other church workers is critical. Plus, sharing our faith with others is a fundamental aspect of what the Bible teaches.
Now, as we reflect on the upcoming year, I can’t help but recognize the impact of Worship Anew in the lives of so many. From the Worship Anew television program to the Hope-Full Living daily devotions, and the thoughtful care packages, this ministry has been a beacon of Christ’s love. Sharing a personalized care package with someone who is shut-in, recovering from an illness, or facing a tough time is an astounding way to embody Christ's love, whether to a dear loved one across the country or a neighbor next door. Your support makes these opportunities possible.
Thank you, and may God bless you abundantly in the New Year with His unending love and grace.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105