By Krista Koch
There are many religious wall hangings and decorations in my house. I will admit that they are there as a witness to others who might visit, but they are a needed reminder for our family, as well.
This past fall, I had some health issues. One Saturday morning I was engaged in my own little pity party when I happened to notice a wall hanging that says, “We are blessed.” I started to contemplate the many blessings that I have including family, food, shelter, and most importantly, eternal life! There is much to be grateful for in our lives, and I started a list.
Somehow my health issues did not seem as prevalent as they had just moments before. Then, I looked at the large wall hanging that says, “God is in Control” and smiled. My brother has teased me about the size of the wall hanging on several occasions, and I always come back with the comment, “That’s something I really struggle with.” Boy, do I ever! God is in control at all times. There are countless hours spent worrying and fretting and engaging in pity parties when He’s got me.
I read the following in a devotional recently: “Into His hands we commit all of our yesterdays—all of our failures, our sins, and our regrets. We commit today, a day of mercy and of grace. And into His hands we commit tomorrow. His mercies which have been ‘new unto us every morning’ will be just as new, just as sure, and just as all-sufficing tomorrow as they are today. His promises are sure. His compassions fail not.”
What a comfort to know that God is in control! He handles the big stuff and the tiny details for each of us. I can commit it all to Him!
This is easier said then done sometimes, however, especially when trials come upon us. Thus, the need for my wall hangings.
May you find hope, joy, and encouragement in the fact that: We are truly blessed because God is in control!
Give thanks always
In the film “White Christmas,” Rosemary Clooney’s character sings the advice to “count your blessings instead of sheep.” It turns out that this isn’t just a good way to rest our anxious brains at night, there’s research that has concluded that the practice of gratitude can actually lead to improved happiness and will help to lessen feelings of isolation. Here are a few prompts you can use each day to thank God for the blessings He’s given you:
What is one relationship you can thank God for today?
What is one thing God has put in your life you can look forward to today?
Reflect on the love God has for you and all that He’s done for you. What has God the Father given you to enjoy as our Great Creator?
Think on all that Jesus has done to earn your salvation and how he continues to be with you. How does the Holy Spirit continue to guide and direct your paths while reminding you of the faith He created in you?
How can you show your gratitude to someone else today, giving them the opportunity to feel the gift of God’s love that you feel now?
Take time to write out what you are thankful for today.
“Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth.” Isaiah 12:4-5 (ESV)
Krista Koch is a teacher at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, Ind., where she has served for nearly 20 years.