By Rev. Richard Koehneke
We believe that Jesus died and rose again, AND SO we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 NIV
AND SO ... Jesus died and rose again ... AND SO ... we are confident that our sins are forgiven, our penalty has been paid on the cross, the debt of sin has been cancelled by the blood of Jesus, the stone has been rolled away from the tomb, death is defeated, and the door to heaven is opened. Christ is the open door to life with God forever.
As you breathe your last, Christ will say to you, “Don’t be afraid. I paid for all your sins. I am with you now, as I have always been. And soon, in only a moment, you will be with me.” And you will open your eyes to behold the face of the One who loved you to death: both his and yours.
Jesus died and rose again ... AND SO ... our grief at the loss of loved ones is not a hopeless grief. We sorrow, yes, but not as those who have no hope. Those who have died trusting in Christ are now safe in the arms of God. They are with Christ. Christ is with us. In Christ, we are still together. One day Christ will bring all his people together in a resurrection reunion that will be all hello and no more goodbye, all laughter and no more tears, nothing but embracing and no more letting go.
Jesus died and rose again ... AND SO ... we who are baptized into his death and resurrection rise daily to live a new life. We are Easter people! We are victorious in Christ! We are more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself up for us. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me! Death has no more power over us. Sin is no longer our master. Satan is no match for the power of Jesus Christ in us.
Jesus died and rose again ... AND SO ... our relationships are renewed and transformed by his resurrection power. You are a new creation in Christ; the old has passed away, the new has come! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t go back to yesterday and change it, but you can start today to make a new tomorrow. Learn from the past; don’t live in it!
There are battles yet to be fought. Daily the God-despising world must be resisted and rejected, and accommodation will not work. Daily Satan must be rebuked and renounced, and you must not be gentle. Daily the self-serving sinful nature in each one of us must be drowned and crucified. It takes both drowning and crucifixion because it’s so strong and persistent.
The victory is ours because Christ has won the victory. He has called us, and He has claimed us, to be His people: His victorious Easter people. Whatever struggle or sorrow each day may bring, it bears no comparison to what Christ went through on Good Friday to accomplish our salvation.
Good Friday was not the end for our Savior, and it is not the last word for us. As with Jesus, so it is for his people. Jesus died and rose again, AND SO ... God’s final word, God’s forever word, is LIFE, JOY, VICTORY!
Rev. Richard Koehneke retired as senior pastor of Holy Cross in Fort Wayne, Ind. in 2009. He also previously served as one of the regular preachers on “Worship for Shut-Ins,” (now called “Worship Anew”).