Matthew Leighty
Executive Director

Raised in a home where service and faith were deeply valued, with a father who was a Lutheran pastor to the deaf and a mother dedicated to in-home care for seniors, Matthew Leighty was inspired to combine his passion for the Gospel with a commitment to serving aging adults, using media and unique outreach methods. Today, he cherishes the opportunity to recount the impact of Christ’s love through the Worship Anew ministry.


“I treasure God’s word as communicated through Paul’s writings, such as in the book of Philippians. Here we learn of the peace and joy we share through our firm faith in Christ as we seek to live our lives for Him. Let us not yearn for the peace that the world gives, but for the incredible and only true peace we receive from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  My confirmation passage is the scripture passage found in Philippians 4:4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Matthew Leighty has been an integral part of Worship Anew (Lutheran Ministries Media) since October 2013, serving as the Executive Director. The ministry engages and equips aging adults with resources to live a full and abundant life in Jesus Christ. As the CEO, Matthew’s responsibilities encompass strategic planning, team leadership, financial management, and mission expansion to ensure the effective execution of the ministry’s mission and vision.


During his tenure, he has spearheaded several enhancements to the media center and managed the rebranding of the main program from Worship for Shut-Ins to Worship Anew in 2017. He launched a new video devotional, Moments of Comfort, in 2019 and acquired the print daily devotional, Hope-Full Living, in 2020. Furthermore, he has facilitated staff growth and expanded television broadcasting, including American Forces Television, thereby delivering the Gospel of Christ to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas.


Before joining Worship Anew, Matthew held positions as Director of Donor Relations at Concordia University Ann Arbor and Advancement Officer at Concordia Theological Seminary. In these roles, he was instrumental in fostering relationships with donors and congregations of the Lutheran Church, thereby garnering support for organizational missions.


Matthew is an alumnus of Concordia University Chicago, where he majored in Mass Media and Psychology. He also holds a Certificate in Fundraising Management from Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and is a Certified Fundraising Executive, a testament to his adherence to CFRE International standards in philanthropic practice.


Matthew and his wife Kelli, both natives of Fort Wayne, Indiana, are active members of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School community. They are proud parents of four children: a son, Ian, and daughters Reagan, Addison, and Brynn.


Matthew states, “I am deeply moved by the steadfast faith and support of the Worship Anew community. Their commitment to our ministry through prayers, time, and resources is truly inspiring. I am privileged to be part of a team that is so dedicated to spreading the love and compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”


Click here to view Matthew's personal Faith Story and how that brought him to Worship Anew. 

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