Ken Schilf served as Executive Director of Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. from 1985 until his retirement on January 31, 2014. Through his leadership, Worship for Shut-Ins expanded its reach into a worldwide television program via numerous broadcast stations, cable, satellite, and the internet. Ken’s engagement with the local community led the active volunteers to grow to over 150 individuals. He oversaw a $1.7 million campaign that culminated in the program transitioning to digital media and opening of the Elsie Rossman Media Center and Wolf Chapel in 2010. In conferring the honor of Executive Director Emeritus on October 4, 2015, Al Schumm, LMM Board of Directors President, shared a plaque that is hung at the home of Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc., "So that others may know and be emboldened in their proclamation of the Gospel thanks to Ken’s example of Christ’s love and service".
Kenneth M. Schilf
Executive Director Emeritus