Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.
James 5:13
“Joy” is one of the top criteria for songs at our contemporary worship service. Although music is also chosen to reflect the theme of the message, the element of joy is a recurring thread. After all, the music group is called a “praise team” because they lead the congregation in singing with joy.
Decades before contemporary worship, in a quote attributed to Saint Augustine, we read that “The person who sings, prays twice.” Although worship music reflects multiple subjects, praising the Lord by raising our voices in song is a natural expression of thanksgiving. Today the space around us might echo with emptiness. Today we might face another challenge associated with aging. But today we can also “pray twice.” For when we “Praise the Lord!” we can be confident he’s listening.
Mary Manz Simon
Ft. Myers, FL
Lord, lead me to praise you today with a joy-filled heart. Amen.
Reflect: What worship songs fill your heart with joy?
Read: Psalm 71:9-23 and Psalm 144:9